Corporate Social Investment
Kingdomslots contributed to 12 provincial beneficiaries contributing towards health, education and community development in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Download our CSI Beneficiary Application and Information Guide for more information.
- Download our CSI brochure
Impande Early Childhood Development Centre
Kingdomslots got to know a few of the incredible individuals behind Impande South Africa. Our contribution to their Early Childhood Development Centers projects was R127 659. Founded in 2000, Impande is a certified non-profit organization. In order to guarantee the best possible development for every child, Impande South Africa offers organizations that offer early learning programs direct on-the-ground support. They give ECD Centers resources, infrastructure upgrades, and continuous training and mentorship.
#MandelaDay 2023
We had a meeting with the incredible folks at North Coast Centre for Alcoholics (NOCCA), who support those with drug and alcohol addiction. A contribution of R150 000 was made by Kingdomslots to finance the acquisition of 14 beds and facility renovations. We appreciate your company in Tongaat, Mr. Singh from Truros Restaurant and Mr. Moodley from Canecutters.
Concerned former alcoholics realized there was a need for a recovery center on KZN's north coast, so they founded NOCCA in 1993. Their tenets are derived from the Twelve Steps of Recovery Program of AA. For three weeks, there is an option to stay in-house and get individual, group, and family sessions with a psychologist, social worker, and nurse. Patients also participate in audio-visual sessions, workshops, motivational presentations by special visitors, AA and NA meetings, gardening, and leisure activities.
Sparks Estates Cheshire Homes
Kingdomslots attended the formal CSI handover at Sparks Estates Cheshire Homes. Our R150 000 donation went into repainting, updating the staff room, remodeling the cold room, and installing air conditioners in the kid's rooms. Cheshire is a welfare residential facility that is registered and serves 48 children who have significant mental and physical disabilities. Since 1979, the house has served every community in KZN.
Congratulations to Sparks Estates Cheshire Homes' management and employees for their commitment and consideration.
QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA)
Kingdomslots paid a visit to QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA), an inspiring organization. Our contribution to the organization's Work Readiness Program was R172 341. They lead a two-month online training program with a placement component for job experience.
Founded in 1978, QASA is a non-profit organization that advocates for individuals with spinal cord injuries and physical disabilities. Their goal is for every paraplegic and quadriplegic to reach their full potential in life. The goal of QASA's development of programs, services, and products is to empower its members and provide chances for social and professional integration.
Silverglen Primary School
Kingdomslots made an official delivery of our CSI check to Silverglen Primary School. R100,000 was donated by Kingdomslots to help buy two JoJo tanks with the required pump, filter, and pipe installations.
Additionally, we were able to construct a children's play space for students in grades RR through 3.
Owing to the damage caused by the 2022 floods to the infrastructure, the school's water supply is not always consistent. With 51 years of history, Silverglen Primary School serves students from the following communities: Dassenhoek, Marianridge, Kwandengezi, Umlazi, and Welbedacht.
Meeting the devoted faculty and students at Silverglen Primary was a pleasure.
Protea Secondary School
We went to Protea Secondary School to formally transfer our R150 000 CSI donation. Ten desktop PCs, a data projector, and a printer were purchased with the funds for the school's computer room.
Learners who attend Protea Secondary School come from Umlazi, Bayview, Lamontville, and Mobeni. We are confident that having access to a computer will significantly raise educational standards.
Thuthukisa Impilo Organisation
Kingdomslots visited Thuthukisa Impilo Organisation for the official handover of their CSI cheque. We contributed R140 000 towards the organisation's Health screening programme. The Health screenings are conducted in order to detect Diabetes, Mellitus Hypertension and are done at community gatherings, churches, malls, pension payouts etc. Those found with abnormal readings are given health education and wellness counselling then referred to nearest health institutions for further management. The organisation also render palliative care services which are provided by professional nurses and lay caregivers at patient’s homes.
Well done to everyone involved in this amazing organisation!
Sophunga Primary School
Kingdomslots made a final-year CSI handover tour to Sophunga Primary School. Our contribution of R110 000 went toward buying a jungle gym, a duplicator and printer, and painting the classrooms.
Located in Amatikwe Village, Inanda, Sophunga Primary School is a free school. Worksheets necessary for learning will be printed using the duplicator machine. We are thrilled to watch the students at Sophunga Primary make the most of this wonderful new addition to their schoolyard, as play is an integral aspect of a child's development.
We are grateful for the excellent learners, SGB members, the committed Principal, and her staff for their gracious hospitality and warm welcome.
1000 Hills Community Helpers
Kingdomslots paid a formal visit to 1000 Hills Community Helpers to officially turn over the check. The incredible effort and commitment of all those engaged amazed us. R150 000 was provided by Kingdomslots to help their garden initiative grow.
Community members oversee the garden initiative, which has given them a chance to gain useful skills. Currently, 14 of the 22 volunteers who work in the gardens are women. The organization's feeding program uses the fresh veggies from the garden to prepare 9000 meals a day on average. The kids who attend the creche and preschool gardening classes offered by 1000 Hills Community Helpers are also taught in the garden.
Khuthala Primary School
We did the official handover of our CSI cheque to Let There Be Light at Khuthala Primary School in Umlazi. Kingdomslots contributed R184 314 to assist with their agriculture program at Khuthala Primary School. The program involves training of the gardeners, land preparation, site infrastructure improvements, soil Testing, installation of irrigation system. installation of greenhouse system and planting.
Thank you to our site owner Chief from Glebe for joining us today.

Epilepsy Foundation South Africa
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, the MANCO team and staff visited Epilepsy Foundation South Africa, one of our 2022 CSI recipients. The Epilepsy Foundation of South Africa is a non-profit organization that does a lot of vital outreach programmes in rural areas where the community might not have access to services. The aim is to create awareness and empowerment by implementing programmes such as the “ONE HOME ONE GARDEN” project; a garden project to alleviate poverty and encourage households to start their food production units. Many thanks to our partners, Sisay from Pure Lounge and Siva from Blue Island, for their support!
Kingdomslots in Support of Mandela Day at Saint Giles
In honour of Nelson Mandela Day, the Kingdomslots team visited Saint Giles, a non-profit organization for people with disabilities in Durban. Founded in 1952 by a former journalist, Kerry Malt, who was himself a person living with disabilities; the organization has been providing numerous services for the disabled community. Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender, MANCO, and the team handed over a cheque that assisted in upgrading the Remedial Therapy Centre (RTC). The RTC offers remedial exercise therapy for disabled persons in the form of light and active resistance exercises. The funds assisted the organization with upgrading the RTC air-conditioning, gym equipment and some maintenance around the centre. Many thanks to the Saint Giles team and staff members who care for the patients.

Kingdomslots and Wentworth Hotel in Support of Floods Victims at Ntuzuma
Inspired by Chefs with Compassion, Kingdomslots in partnership with Wentworth Hotel made 90 litres of chicken soup and 300 rolls to feed 300 flood victims at Ntuzuma F Hall in honour of Mandela Day. The team was touched by gratitude from people sheltered by the hall and were grateful for this initiative. Many thanks to everyone that supported and participated in honour of Madiba!

The Kingdomslots team visited Protec STEM Education, our 2022 CSI beneficiary. PROTEC (Programme for Technological Careers) is a national, independent, non-profit organization that provides holistic, high-quality education and career support programme development in the fields of Mathematics, Science and Technology, as well as life skills training. The organization was established in 1982 by a group of concerned engineers from the South African Institute of Civil Engineers, especially to help high school children in disadvantaged communities prepare for successful careers in Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. PROTEC has designed programmes to assist students to succeed. Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender, the MANCO team and staff handed over the cheque that assisted the organization in preparing students for success. Many thanks to Mr Singh from Singhs Restaurant and Mr Moodley from Canecutters for their support. We cannot wait to see the young minds achieve success and put SA on the map.

Briardene Primary School
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, the MANCO team and staff visited Briardene Primary School for the official opening of the school library. Briardene Primary School was built in 1936 and is now home to more than a thousand learners who emanate from the neighbouring townships of Inanda, Kwa Mashu and Ntuzuma. All the learners are from previously disadvantaged backgrounds and were in desperate need of a library to enhance their knowledge and perform better in academics. The team had a lovely time at the school and were amazed by the talent the learners had shown. Many thanks to Mukesh from Bardia Sports Bar, Marshalls World of Sport and World Sports Betting for the support. Briardene Primary School was featured in the Durban North News.
Nyakana Primary School
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, the MANCO team and staff visited Nyakana Primary School to deliver a cheque that would assist the school to improve on the infrastructure and ventilation. Nyakana Primary School is situated in Doringkop and currently has over 1000 learners from economically challenged areas such as uKhukho (oYengweni), Tugela Fairy, Ohlange, Lindelani and Sakhamkhanya. The average number of pupils per classroom is 50 and the school needed industrial fans for all classrooms and to revamp some of the infrastructures. The team was touched by the gratitude from the school and learners. Many thanks to Sachin from The Ritz and Seelan from Industrial Den for the support!

Alipore Primary School
Our MANCO team and staff visited Alipore Primary School to unveil the new ablution facilities for the school. Alipore is a 58-year-old primary school with 986 learners from neighbouring communities such as Umlazi, Lamontville, Isipingo, Amanzimtoti, and Illovo. The school has earned a strong reputation for teaching English to second-language learners for the last 35 years. Their ageing ablution facility needed infrastructure restoration. Kingdomslots provided the school with funding to restore its facilities. The learners were very excited about it and will now enjoy good hygiene at the clean and neat toilets. This was our way of contributing to a positive impact on the education, well-being, and lives of learners. Many thanks to Dilvir from River Palace for joining us.
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, and the Kingdomslots team visited Triple-P, a people- and planet-focused non-profit enterprise established in 2017 with public benefit organization (PBO) status. The team was there to hand over the cheque that assisted the Azibuyele Emasisweni Farming Project. The project assists the rural community of Umbumbulu with agricultural knowledge and business development, allowing the community to start farming ventures that will serve their neighbourhood and generate employment prospects.

Humana People to People South Africa (HPPSA)
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, the Manco team and staff visited Humana People to People South Africa (HPPSA) to hand over the cheque that assisted the students to meet training and boarding costs at KwaZulu-Natal Experimental College (KNEC). The aim is to improve the quality of Early Childhood Development (ECD) education in poor communities by providing scholarships that make it possible to empower unemployed young people, especially young women, with Early Childhood Development teaching skills. Humana People to People South Africa (HPPSA) is a registered South African non-profit organization founded in 1995 with the mission of empowering the poor to lift themselves out of poverty and contribute to the development of their own communities. The organization has a comprehensive portfolio of activities in early childhood development through Preschools of the Future; child and maternal health and hygiene through its Child Aid Programs; HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, TB, and non-communicable diseases programs through Total Control of the Epidemic and HOPE; smart agriculture and food security programs among the list. HPPSA employs around 500 full-time staff and impacts over 500,000 people a year. The team was humbled by the work that HPPSA have done and was touched by the love they received.
KwaZulu-Natal Women’s Coalition
The Kingdomslots team visited the KwaZulu-Natal Women’s Coalition to present funding to assist the organization's projects and programs currently in place. The KwaZulu-Natal Women’s Coalition is a non-profit women’s organization serving over 50 women’s organizations which reach approximately 9400 households in the KZN region. The organization focuses primarily on Gender-Based Violence Intervention Projects, Literacy Programs, Women and Youth Development, Capacity Building Projects, and economic recovery programs in KwaZulu-Natal. Many thanks to James from Collegians Sports Club PMB for joining us.

Meals on Wheels
Contribution: R108 000
As part of our CSIs for the year, the Kingdomslots team invaded Durban's south shore. Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender, together with the Manco team and staff, paid a visit to Meals on Wheels to present a cheque that would help them provide relief to the less fortunate and elderly. Meal on Wheels is a non-profit organization that provides well-balanced and nutritious meals to disadvantaged populations such as pensioners, unemployed women with children, child-headed families, and orphans. The work of Meals on Wheels humbled the team, and they were moved by the affection they received. A big thanks to Deon and Johnny from Pitstop Banana Beach and Gavin from Schooner's Restaurant and Pub for attending.

KwaZulu-Natal Care Association (KZNCA)
Contribution: R120 000
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender and the Kingdomslots team visited the KwaZulu-Natal Care Association (KZNCA) at Umbilo to deliver the cheque that would assist the association purchase a new industrial washer and dryer.
The KwaZulu-Natal Care Association is home to 300 predominately elderly folks, most of whom have age-related conditions affecting their physical and/or mental well-being and also 38 children and young adults severely affected by cerebral palsy. The association strive to provide a holistic residential and health care services in a safe, caring environment for vulnerable people.
Many thanks to Elizabeth from Queensburgh Sports Association for her support.

The Pietermaritzburg and District Community Chest
Contribution: R125 000
The Kingdomslots team paid a visit to the Pietermaritzburg and District Community Chest as part of our CSIs for the year. The PMB Community Chest is a non-profit organisation that collaborates with individuals, businesses and philanthropic foundations to mobilize and distribute resources that enhance community development and assist in positive social change. Kingdomslots' contribution was used to establish community bakeries in Impendle and Lotheni. These communities do not have easy access to bread. Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender and the Kingdomslots team delivered the cheque to the organization in support of the remarkable work that their team does. We can't wait to see these projects prosper. A big thanks to our site owners Jody from Westside Cellars and James from Collegians Sports Club PMB for joining us.

Rise Against Hunger (RAH) Africa
Contribution: R150 500
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender and the Kingdomslots team visited Rise Against Hunger (RAH) Africa to hand over the cheque that would assist the organization's programs. RAH Africa is an organization based in Molweni with a focus on helping children between the ages of 1 to 6 years old eradicate hunger through the provision of nutritious food. This organization distributes rice/soy packs via the ECD Connect program and runs sustainable vegetable garden programs. These gardens create job opportunities, training facilities and nutritious vegetables for Early Childhood Development Centres. The team was overwhelmed with the love that the RAH Africa team showed and we were very happy to have them as our beneficiary for the year. Many thanks to Jessie, our site owner from Supabets Pinetown for joining us!

Alzheimer's South Africa
Contribution: R109 519
The Kingdomslots team visited Alzheimer's, South Africa, to hand over the cheque that would assist in expanding the organization's existing services to rural areas and provide more training programs.
Alzheimer's SA is an organization based in Pietermaritzburg, that was founded in 1985. The organization is a South African representative of Alzheimer's Disease International dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with dementia and those affected by it. Due to a lack of awareness of dementia, many people in various communities across South Africa believe that elderly people displaying strange behaviour are bewitched or cursed. The organization provides support and assistance to those affected and also education and training programs to various communities.
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender, the MANCO team and staff learnt a lot about Alzheimer's SA and dementia and were very happy to have Alzheimer's SA as one of our CSI recipients.

Contributed R200 000
As part of our CSI this year we focused on crime prevention especially for the most vulnerable in society. This includes: Women, GBV, Rape victims, repeat crime victims, Child headed households, LGBT, Sex workers, Children, Learners, Elderly and People living with Disabilities.
Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender and the team handed the cheque to the Memeza Shout Crime Prevention team. Memeza empowers the most vulnerable communities with tangible safety technology which is linked directly to SAPS, Community Policing Forums, Neighbours, Family and Friends. Memeza Shout Crime Prevention, as part of this initiative, provided Community Policing Alarms which were deployed in 7 of our sites:
Ekwandeni Restaurant
Glebe Bar and Restaurant
Marshalls World of Sport – uMlazi
Marshalls World of Sport – Isipingo
Seoka Tavern
Pure Lounge
Charly's Pub
We are very proud to do our bit to help stop crime, in the midst of these challenging times. This CSI project was done in partnership with all our sites.

Contributed R100 000
As part of our CSI this November, the Kingdomslots team visited Sandfields Primary School. Many thanks to Mr Moodley from Canecutters and Rokeshen from Sea Belle for joining us. Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender and the team were welcomed with so much love and warmth by the learners and staff. This comes after the school needed assistance with the purchase of data projectors, the building of a kitchen, conversion of a classroom to a library and installation of anti-theft devices.
Sandfields Primary is a Section 14 School in terms of the South African Schools Act. This means that it is a public, government school that operates on privately owned property. The school offers grades 1 - 7 classes and their learners come from four economically challenged areas, Magwaveni, Burbreeze RDP, Wewe and Newtown.
The team was very proud to deliver the cheque to passionate and very talented learners and teachers. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area; Canecutters, Truro Restaurant, Singh’s Restaurant, Hillside Sports Bar, Marshalls Tongaat, WSB Tongaat, Chelmsford Hotel and Sea Belle Restaurant.

Contributed R100 000
Our Kingdomslots team visited Verulam Secondary School in early November to hand-deliver the cheque that would assist the school to upgrade their media and library centre, as well as upgrade the male and female ablution facilities. All the current equipment is outdated and there is a need for more bookshelves and reading tables for the learners.
Verulam Secondary School services the poverty-stricken areas that border Verulam and indigent learners from neighbouring informal settlements. The school offers grades 8 -12 classes and is over 69 years old.
This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area; Marshalls Verulam and Verulam Tab, Skamps and The Spot.

TAFTA - The Association for the Aged
Contributed R119 030
Our General Manager, Prakashnie Govender and the team went to TAFTA to hand over the cheque that would assist with the upgrade of the ablution facilities at the home for the elderly. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area; EL-ARISH Hotel and Restaurant, Wentworth Hotel, Mustang and Castle Inn. Many thanks to Sonu from Wentworth Hotel for attending, we truly appreciate it.
TAFTA is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of Durban's elderly residents. Providing suitable accommodation, including frail care, home-based care, nutrition, counselling and therapeutic services, recreational activities through their lifestyle centres, social support access, community upliftment activities, intergenerational programmes and so much more. The home owns 14 buildings for this purpose, to enable older persons to continue living in their own homes.

Contributed R100 000
Our team visited the Ethelbert Child and Youth Care Centre (CYCC) to hand-deliver the cheque that would assist the children in the centre with school uniforms and stationery for 2021. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, Circle of Friends, Knightsway Tavern and, Club Kenya. Thank you to Paul from Knightsway Tavern and Logan from Club Kenya for attending, we truly appreciate it.
Ethelbert Child & Youth Care Centre is a registered non-profit and public benefits organization (NPO & PBO) specializing in the full-time care, rehabilitation and support of vulnerable, abandoned and abused children within Kwa-Zulu Natal. The centre was established in 1907, with a vision to provide residential child-care and protection for the beneficiaries, aged 18 months to 18 years. The centre provides a secure, loving and safe environment for these children and has a capacity for 65 children. 60 of the children are currently going to school and annually it’s a challenge to provide school uniform and stationery for them. The team was heart warmed by these adorable souls.

Contributed R100 000
Our team visited the KwaZulu-Natal Blind and Deaf Society to hand over the cheque that would assist to empower Visually Impaired Persons to live independently through skills training including Daily Living Skills and Orientation and Mobility. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, New Light International, Ocean Bar, Red Marlin Bar, Blue Island Restaurant, Blue Diamond, Pure lounge, Albertyne, Hollywoodbets Argyle, Supabets Durban and WSB Durban.
The KwaZulu-Natal Blind and Deaf Society was established in 1936 and has provided services to Blind, Deaf and Deafblind persons. The Society has evolved from a benevolence organization to a dynamic organization that empowers its diverse beneficiaries through education, training, rehabilitation and employment. Their professional staff of 30 provides services to on average 3000 beneficiaries annually. The team was welcomed with open arms, many thanks to Siva from Blue Island, Sisay from Pure Lounge and Spy from Marshalls World of Sport for attending.

Contributed R100 000
Our team visited the Careline Crisis and Trauma Centre in Hillcrest to deliver the cheque that would assist the centre with awareness, intervention and prevention programs for alcohol and substance abuse in schools and communities. Careline is often invited to host educational talks, workshops and conduct drug testing at high schools, primary schools and other organisations in both urban and rural areas. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area Ashley Sports Club, Supabets Pinetown, New Germany Sports Club, Chris Den and Vegas Sports Cafe.
Careline Crisis and Trauma Centre is a registered NPO and has been in operation since 1995. They have a crisis centre, which operates on a 24-hour call-out basis to deal with domestic violence, rape, business and residential robberies etc. Careline Halfway House has a residential inpatient life skills program for persons recovering from alcohol, drugs, gambling and over the counter medication abuse. The life skills program consists of counselling, group therapy, random drug testing, family therapy, relapse prevention and emotional awareness.
A big thanks to Shaun from New Germany Sports Club and Spy from Marshalls World of Sport for attending the event with us. As a Route Operator that operates in different communities, it always warms our hearts to assist where we can. Well done team!

Contributed R100 000
The Kingdomslots team visited Harmony Retreat Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center to hand-deliver the cheque that would assist the centre upgrade their residential facility, so they can be able to accommodate those who are in desperate need for help. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, African Sun, Harrys Pub and Umvoti Tavern.
Harmony Retreat Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center provides a primary care facility for those entering treatment for the first time, as well as a Halfway House for those requiring long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Apart from their core therapeutic efforts for those dealing with substance abuse and addiction, they also believe strongly in youth development and education - and are also involved in various Outreach programs at various community centres and schools. These programs are geared toward drug and alcohol prevention tactics within schools and communities.
Many thanks to Lappies and Blessing from African Sun, Anesh and wife from Umvoti Tavern, Rigesh and Una from Harrys Pub as well as James from Collegians Sports Club PMB for attending. The whole team was grateful for the incredible work done by the centre.

Contributed R100 000
The Kingdomslots team visited Daughters of Africa to hand-deliver the cheque that would assist the foundation to provide cancer testing and screening as well as health education in areas such as Mseleni, Inanda Township, Claremont/Kwadabeka. Daughters of Africa is a Cancer Community Carer, travelling to semi-urban and urban areas around KwaZulu Natal to offer free HPV testing, pap smears, clinical examinations and education on women’s health. They provide uninsured women and men with essential health service and spread the message that early detection saves lives. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, Richards Sports Bar and Top Hat Tavern.
Thank you to Spy from Marshalls World of Sport for joining us. The whole team was truly touched by the incredible work done by the foundation.

Contributed R70 000
Our General Manager Prakashnie Govender and the team visited Tholinhlanhla Primary School to hand over the cheque that would assist to the school upgrade the current outdated equipment and purchase desktop computers that will meet the current needs of students. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, African Sun, Harrys Pub and Umvoti Tavern.
Tholinhlanhla Primary School offers grades R to 7 and services the poverty-stricken areas that border Greytown and indigent learners from neighbouring informal settlements. Most of the households rely mainly on social grants. The school is old, and the maintenance of its facilities is financially demanding. The school faces numerous challenges in maintaining the current infrastructure to suit the needs of the students.
The team was very excited to receive the well- needed funding. Many thanks to Lappies and Blessing from African Sun, Anesh and wife from Umvoti Tavern, Rigesh and Una from Harrys Pub as well as James from Collegians Sports Club PMB for attending.

Friends without Borders
Contributed R120 000
Our General Manager Prakash Govender and the team visited Natest Primary School to hand over the cheque to Friends Without Borders. This funding will assist the NGO with their food hampers and school uniforms projects.
Friends Without Borders is an NPO that was established over 15 years ago and provides support in the Mount Edgecombe and surrounding informal settlements areas. Currently, there are 50 families that receive monthly food hampers and their children have had their school uniform needs to be taken care of for the 2020 school year. 30 additional indigent families have been identified through this project and will receive monthly food hampers and the children will receive school uniforms next year. This CSI project was done in partnership with our sites in the area, Mount Edgecombe Hotel, Richards Sports Bar, Top Hat and World Sports Betting. Many thanks to Roza from World Sports Betting for attending the handover.
Many thanks to the Phoenix Sun Newspaper for the feature.
Read the story.

SAFA Phoenix
Contributed R50 000
SAFA Phoenix is a constituted football association that caters to soccer in the Phoenix and surrounding areas. This football association provides the platform for the community in active organised football leagues ranging from under 7 to over 35 leagues. We visited the football association to hand over the cheque that will assist in upgrading their current infrastructure and the grounds to ensure continuous community participation. The Phoenix community is infested with drugs, crime, alcohol that put the youth in danger of falling easily into the prey of these vices. The funding will assist in keeping the youth of the streets and actively involved in sports and recreation.

Inkululeko Children’s Home
Contributed R47 300
Our Kingdomslots management in conjunction with Sportman’s Tavern and Izzy By Night Tavern visited Inkululeko Children's Home - a home to 21 HIV / AIDS infected and affected babies (orphaned, abandoned, and abused) in the Vryheid area. Inkululeko Children’s Home was established in 2000 after a noted increase in the number of abandoned and/or neglected babies in the AbaQulusi area. Inkululeko provides a secure, loving, and safe environment for these babies and children. The team and our General Manager Prakashnie Govender were there to deliver the funding that will assist the home revamp and extend its current nursery. This is because the home has been receiving a lot of babies and in need of a bigger and more comfortable nursery. The home relies heavily on donor funding to operate effectively and we were very proud to have done our bit to assists the kids and staff.
Visit Website
KwaThintwa School for the Deaf
Contributed R102 900
Kwa Thintwa School for the Deaf was opened in February 1981 and have learners from the age of 3 to age 20. All the learners live with a loss of hearing and use South African sign language to communicate. The school currently has 360 full time learners that board at the school. Most of the learners’ hail from different areas throughout KZN, many from distant rural settings. The parents of most of the learners are economically disadvantaged and experience much difficulty meeting their financial obligations to the school (school fees and hostel fees)
For eight consecutive years, the school has achieved a 100% pass rate in Matric but the success by the class of 2018 is even sweeter as one its pupils was recently named among the top matriculants of 2018.
Visit Website
Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action
Contributed R100 000
The Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action (PACSA) is a 40-year-old Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), established in 1979. PACSA provide economic support and guidance to community projects which are run mostly by women. They currently have 11 agricultural and youth empowerment community projects within the uMgungundlovu District. Kingdomslots contributed towards their Sustainable Livelihoods Programme which assist communities with farming and communal gardens. This project involves women and men at community levels involved in food production, using agro-ecology, and livelihoods creation for themselves and their wider communities.
Visit Website
Contributed R81 603
Gcinamasiko is a non-profit organisation committed to promoting literacy in our country, especially through the wing of NOZINCWADI - Mother of Books Literacy Campaign which was started in 2001 by Dr. Gcina Mhlophe. Over the years they have visited hundreds of schools in all nine provinces of South Africa. They have donated books, shared empowerment workshops with teachers and librarians, helped the up and coming storytellers and writers. And more recently, they have focused more on our home province KwaZulu Natal.
This Mandela Day we visited KwaMyeza Primary School in Mpumalanga (Hammarsdale), a school that was targeted by Gcinamasiko to set up a library full of books for the learners. We went in the morning to help paint the walls, put up the tiles on the floor so to help Gcinamasiko transform a room into a library.
Visit Website
Montarena Secondary School
Contributed R119 630
Montarena Secondary School is a public secondary school located in Chatsworth. The school service the poverty-stricken areas with most households relying on social grants and assistance from religious and other charitable organisations. Montarena is over 46 years old and in need of repairs and new infrastructure to suit the present and future conditions for the safety of the learners.
We visited the school to hand over the cheque that will assist the school in revamping some of their facilities which will improve the learning experience for the learners. The Breakfast Express team from Lotus FM was there broadcasting the whole experience live on air and learners were very excited and appreciative of support from Kingdomslots.
Visit Website2018

Umthombo Youth Development Foundation
Contributed R90 000.
The Umthombo Youth Development Foundation seeks to address the unacceptably high shortages of qualified staff at rural hospitals to improve healthcare services to rural communities. The foundation identifies, trains and supports youth in their quest to become qualified healthcare professionals as a way of addressing staff shortages at rural hospitals. This includes comprehensive mentoring and financial support throughout the course of their studies, as well as assistance with integration into the hospital working environment once qualified. The foundation was granted the funding for mentoringof students.
Over the past 17 years of using this approach, they have produced 304 healthcare graduates – 98 of which are Doctors! All graduates are making, or have made, a significant impact on improving healthcare services to rural communities.
Visit Website
Centre for the Advancement of Science and Math’s Education
Contributed R70 000.
CASME (Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education) is a non-profit education development institution based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. CASME focuses on teacher professional development and support, through training and provision of resources for science and mathematics teaching, in under-resourced and previously disadvantaged communities. CASME operates through the schooling sector from Foundation Phase to Grade 12 and throughout South Africa.
The Centre is currently responsible for education projects throughout South Africa involving approximately 400 schools and some 1600 teachers.
CASME operates 5 mathematics and science resource centres in partnership with the KZN Department of Education and selected Science Centres. These centres service local school communities and reach some 200 schools providing mathematics and science equipment and resources on a loan basis.
Visit Website
New West Education Trust
Contributed R90 000
The overall aim is to prepare pupils for the current technological revolution commonly known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is characterized by robotics, internet of things, 3D printing, nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence.
Learners attend classes taught by experts in the STEM field (Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics) and are taken through problem-solving activities, advanced Math’s, coding (computer programming), 3D printing, AutoCAD, robotics, Artificial Intelligence (Al), etc. The Learners do not pay for the classes.

The Robin Hood Foundation
Contributed R80 000
The Robin Hood Foundation's mission is to rescue and uphold the rights of women, children and the elderly For the past few years, the Foundation has been focusing heavily on Early Childhood Development as this is the key area to get the foundations right for small children to be able to learn and grow to their full potential.
Kingdomslots contributed towards the revamping of two Grade R class rooms at Uplift Lalelani Primary, Ntshongweni.
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Feedy Needy
Contributed R50 000
Feedy Needy is an Organization that strives to uplift the underprivileged through various programmes including the provision of daily meals to various schools, promoting sustainable livelihood through workshops, donating wheelchairs, blanket and winter clothing, milk formula and diaper distribution, Hamper distribution etc.
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The Association For the Aged
Contributed R69 249
TAFTA is dedicated to serving the needs of the elderly by providing suitable accommodation, including frail care. Their services include Social Services, Accommodation (fit, frail and those who need assisted living), Meals on Wheels, Home Based Care. TAFTA owns 14 buildings for this purpose.
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